So for the past 6 months we have been doing these readings and prayers before dinner. “El pan de la palabra” or roughly translated to “the bread of the word.”
Todays reading was from Mt 18: 21-22 where Peter asks Jesus how ma y times should I forgive my brother for what he has done to me? 7 times? Jesus in turn answered, “no, its 70 x 7.” Ultimateley this is a symbol for infinity. Al though, it is not an easy task we should all try not to hold resentment towards anybody. For as we all know or may have come to realize, sometimes its just unhealthy to hold on to petty things. And if they are big things, all the more reason to try and let it go. Not easy, but not impossible. We just have to try it out. Myself included
@canva thanks again for the texts and templates. #faith #art #design #mountains #faithmovesmountains #readings #prayers #eatasafamily #christian #catholics #matthew #bibleverses (at Buena Vista (Miami))
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