“Some people do not interview well.” 😓

At this stage in my life, I never thought that I would still be in a part time job. I also never imagined that I would still be in school. It has been a struggle over the past decade, almost as it will seem. I began school back in 2011 at the Academy of Art University, almost while I started my part-time job in Admissions. School eventually got expensive and had to cut back and take one or two courses at a time. It took a toll on my desired timeline and on my bank account. After a semester and a half, I began to study to receive my Bachelor’s in Supervision and Management at Miami Dade College.
However, since my husband and I do
not have our own car, it makes it difficult to find something close by that I
can apply for and branch out of from where I am.
I’ve been on so many interviews, Over the past couple of
years. I get nervous during interviews where my voice goes up and down, which
is funny because I read in Church and I don’t get this nervous and if I do,
people don’t really notice it, unless I am doing an announcement. LOL!
I would usually cut myself off to try to finish what I am
saying, because it feels like some of the panelists are dosing off. Some people
do say that my voice can be soothing, and the chosen few who say that my voice
is squeaky and annoying. This makes it seem like I am not selling myself enough
during the interview.
It also doesn’t help that I still do not have my Bachelor’s
either. A lot of the positions that I have seen, I only have the experience but
not the degree. That ultimately puts a cease to me moving forward. 😭
But going from interview to
interview, it’s just made me more determined to focus on blogging and other
projects that I want to work on. I am not giving up. I am just hoping that eventually
I find a job that fits what I am looking for. I am also planning on working on
my interview skills as well. And of course, try to finish my Bachelor’s degree.
“When the time is
right, I the LORD will make it happen.” -Isaiah 60:22 🙏